Emily Weiner
I took my lyre and said
Installation view, I took my lyre and said, Emily Weiner at Entrée. All photos by Mario de la Ossa.
Emily Weiner at Entrée
Entrée is thrilled to present Emily Weiner’s first international solo exhibition. In her work, Weiner mixes various symbols from the past and present, and connects visual threads such as various archetypes and primal images from our shared cultural history.
She combines oil paintings with hand-built ceramic frames elevating its importance from ornamentation to a vital part of the artwork and demarcating a space of suspended disbelief—like the proscenium of a stage.
Her work is concerned with Carl Gustav Jung's theory of archetypes - universal, primal symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious, which can be traced in symbolic form, in dreams, myths, fairy tales and legends. According to Jung, these unconscious ideas are passed down from generation to generation, common to all people. In recent works, she draws symbolism from ancient Greek drama, Yiddish theater, Commedia dell'arte, and psychology, among other spaces of paradox and performance.
Emily Weiner (b. 1981) is based in Nashville, Tennessee. She received a BA from Barnard College, Columbia University, and an MFA in Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. She has exhibited work at Red Arrow Gallery in Nashville, TN; Whitespace Gallery in Atlanta, GA; Kunsthall Grenland in Porsgrunn, Norway; Wespace in Shanghai, China; Gerðarsafn Museum in Kopavogur, Iceland and Soloway Gallery in Brooklyn, NY. She has been a visiting artist at the American Academy in Rome; residency co-leader at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, Maine; artist teacher-resident at The Cooper Union, New York, NY; artist-in-residence at The Banff Centre, Canada and resident at Camac Art Center in France. She was a recipient of the 2021 Current Art Fund, via The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts & Tri-Star Arts. Weiner is currently Adjunct Professor in Painting at Watkins College of Art in Nashville.
Entrée presentere Emily Weiners første internasjonale separatutstilling. I sitt arbeid blander Weiner ulike symboler fra fortid og nåtid, og knytter visuelle tråder som ulike arketyper og urbilder fra vår felles kulturhistorie sammen i sine verk. Hun kombinerer oljemalerier med håndlagde keramiske rammer som løfter rammens betydning fra ornamentikk til en viktig del av kunstverket. Weiner er opptatt av Carl Gustav Jungs teori om arketyper – universelle ursymboler og bilder som stammer fra det kollektive ubevisste, som kan spores i symbolsk form, i drømmer, myter, eventyr og legender. Ifølge Jung går disse ubevisste ideene i arv fra generasjon til generasjon, felles for alle mennesker. I nyere arbeider henter hun symbolikk fra gammelt gresk drama, jiddisch teater, Commedia dell'arte og psykologi.
Weiner er opptatt av materielle koblinger mellom vidtrekkende fenomener slik som historiske greske og romerske byster – tidlige representasjoner for voksende imperier og makt - til moderne design, slik som terrazzoen, som dukket opp for mer enn 500 år siden, men som for øyeblikket igjen topper interiørtrendene. Hun leker med ulike materialetterligninger i verkene.
Emily Weiner (f. 1981) er basert i Nashville, Tennessee. Hun har en BA fra Barnard College, Columbia University, og en MFA i Fine Arts fra School of Visual Arts i New York City. Hun har stilt ut sitt arbeid på Red Arrow Gallery i Nashville, TN; Whitespace Gallery i Atlanta, GA; Kunsthall Grenland i Porsgrunn, Norge; Wespace i Shanghai, Kina; Gerðarsafn Museum i Kopavogur, Island og Soloway Gallery i Brooklyn, NY. Hun har vært gjestekunstner ved American Academy i Roma; residency leder ved Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, Maine; lærer ved The Cooper Union, New York, NY; artist-in-residence på The Banff Centre, Canada og artist-in-residence på Camac Art Centre i Frankrike. Hun var mottaker av 2021 Current Art Fund, via Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts & Tri-Star Arts. Weiner er for tiden adjunkt i maleri ved Watkins College of Art i Nashville.
Emily Weiner, Pandora, Entrée.
I took my lyre and said
by Sappho
I took my lyre and said:
Come now, my heavenly
tortoise shell: become
a speaking instrument
Emily Weiner, Legrand, Entrée.
Emily Weiner, Constantine, Entrée.
Emily Weiner, Season, Entrée.
Emily Weiner, Sappho, Entrée.
Emily Weiner, Clair de Lune, Entrée.
Exterior view, I took my lyre and said, Emily Weiner at Entrée.
Emily Weiner, Paradox, Entrée.
Emily Weiner in studio, photos by Alex Crawford.
Emily Weiner in studio, photos by Alex Crawford.