Kamilla Langeland
Stories of the Mind (Transitioning Into Uncertainty)
Exhibition preview Saturday from 6—9pm!Opening hours:
Thur—Sun, 12—4pm

Consciousness is said to be the experience of
one’s body and the outer world, while self-awareness is acknowledging that one
is aware of one's body, thoughts, and actions. In this exhibition, I enter
questions of what awareness is in itself.
Awareness can be experienced by observing the
present moment, what is happening now, within the boundaries of the body.
Sensations, thoughts, imagination, and memories arise and pass away in the
mind, like the sensation of air passing in and out of the nostrils. When
focusing on a small area of the body such as the triangle below the nose,
subtler sensations can be observed, and by moving the attention from head to
toe, awareness can be experienced throughout the body.
All matter consists of vibrating atoms arranged in a particular
order. When touching something like a table, the atoms become energized,
vibrating more intensively as we press against its surface. If pressing hard
enough, or smash something with great force against it, some of the atoms will
change its form, and the table will break. But the atom will not break in
itself; it will only change into a new arrangement.
When a sensation arises in the mind, it is translated into
thoughts, into words, into sentences, into stories we tell to ourselves about
who we are. When growing up, a separate self is created in the mind, which
becomes the reality of the world we perceive. Social conditions projects
stories about who we are and our capabilities in life, which tend to define our
options going forward. The stories become the
we identify with,
unaware of the unconscious patterns of the mind.
In meditation, one can observe how negative emotions create more
negativity if the drama of the reactive mind is played out, like a maelstrom
pulling water towards itself in spirals, sucking everything that enters its
energy field down into its void. In the same way, we can observe how being
equanimous towards unpleasant sensations result in feelings of contentment.
Expectations of what life should be like often collide with
reality as it is. Whereas no job, wealth, or accomplishments can diminish the
fact that life itself sometimes is painful. We all, at some point, suffer from
loss, unpredictability, sickness, and death. As suffering is unavoidable,
accepting it can become liberating. But it does not mean accepting all the
suffering in the world, rather accepting that when I suffer, it creates the
sensation of aversion and ill will in me, but I will not try to escape or act
upon it. By practicing awareness in meditation, the mind can be rewired
not to identify with the separate self and break out of the chain of
evolutionary reactivity.
Everything is always changing. Atoms were first thought to
consist of mostly empty space but were later discovered to be full of something
even though it seems to be nothing there. Electrons can appear and disappear in
space without any cause or action, creating a constant change in all
A sensation arises. The mind is focused and aware. The sensation
is no longer translated into thoughts, into words, into sentences, into stories
we tell ourselves. The sensation passes away. The mind is aware.
Text by Kamilla Langeland (2019)
Kamilla Langeland (b.1989, Kongsvinger, Norway) lives and works in Oslo. She holds a BFA from The Academy of Fine Art in Oslo and graduated with an MFA from The Academy of Art and Design in Bergen in 2017. Recent solo exhibitions include The Garden We Share, NoPlace Gallery, Oslo (NO); The Thinker, Flower Pot and Mush (with Sjur Eide Aas) Entrée, Bergen (NO); Cuckoo in The Weed Warblers Nest, MELK Gallery, Oslo (NO) and Layering Structures, LYNX, Oslo (NO). Her work has also been included in the exhibitions The Future Stands Still but We Move in Infinite Space at OSL Contemporary (NO); The Board Room, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo (NO), The Young Lions, Preus Museum, Horten (NO); Innland, Contemporary Creation Centre Olivier Debré, Tours, (FRA); Dislocating Surfaces: New Scandinavian Photography, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo (NO) and Fading Forms, Entrée, Bergen (NO). Together with Sjur Aas she runs Hypha, an artist-run platform in Nesodden/Oslo. The coming year they are both Artists-in-residence at Ringsveen in Lillehammer (NO).
The artist received funding for the exhibition from Arts Council Norway, and County of Hordaland.
Kamilla Langeland at Entrée
NRK Radio
P2 Studio 2
Av Erik Jacobsen

Kamilla Langeland
Ideas, Thoughts and Memories
Oyster mushroom cultivation in process, private notebooks,
coffee grounds, crushed mussel shells, glass
40 x 65 x 45 cm
All images by Bent René Synnevåg

Kamilla Langeland
Gouache and pencil on linen
Series of 4

Kamilla Langeland
Realisation of a Dream

Kamilla Langeland
Gouache and pencil on linen
Series of 4

Kamilla Langeland
Hatching Ideas
Straw, beeswax, stones, sketchbook sheets, rebar

Kamilla Langeland
Breath Comes In, Breath Goes Out
Beeswax, wire

Kamilla Langeland
Ideas, Thoughts and Memories
Oyster mushroom cultivation in process, private notebooks,
coffee grounds, crushed mussel shells, glass
40 x 65 x 45 cm