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Markeveien 4b
5012 Bergen, Norway
Thursday 12-4pm
Friday 12-4pm
Saturday 12-4pm
Sunday 12-4pm

Lila de Magalhães,
Thora Dolven Balke
Modo Host


Lars Korff Lofthus


Past Projects  
— 2025

Yafei Qi
Fragments of Change

Past Projects  
— 2024

Kristen Keegan
The mutual work

T-Yard Residency
w/ Han Bo
Writer in Residency October

Max Paul
True Feeling

Ask Bjørlo
Livets kraft

Sveinung Rudjord Unneland

T-Yard Residency
w/ Eric Otieno Sumba

Writer in Residency April

Liu Yujia, Ji Jia

Entrée Cinema

Past Projects  
— 2023

Tanya Busse
Wind Sings to Wire

Louise Sidelmann

T-Yard Residency
w/ Isabel Baboun Garib

Writer in Residency

Flex Point w/ Northing Space
Naeun Kang, Lydia Soo Jin Park, Tansiyu Chen, Dominique Nachi, Kaho Suzuki, Kuan-Cheng Yeh, Lexy Liangzi Xiao, Jia Ji, Carmilly Yeung, Su Liao, Yun Hao

Kim Hankyul
( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

Entrée Cinema
Marthe Thorshaug,
Esteban Rivera
, curated by Tatiana Lozano

Kunstbokhandel Under Press
- Kristen Keegan
- Kurt Johannessen

How Artists’ Books Live, by Heather Jones
Bjørn Mortensen 
Ciara Phillips
Mari Kanstad Johnsen
- David Horvitz

Mari Kvien Brunvoll & Elida Brenna Linge
Lars Korff Lofthus

Emily Weiner
I took my lyre and said

Past Projects  
— 2022

Cato Løland
Turning Strangers Into Family

T-Yard Residency
w/ Yara Nakahanda Monteiro Writer in Residency

T-Yard Residency
w/ Kalaf Epalanga
Writer in Residency

Andrea Spreafico
Poor Dictionary (from Distance to Rage)

Cato Løland
Paris Internationale

Marco Bruzzone
GLUB CLUB (An Underwater Turmoil)

Lera Sxemka
Artists in Residency

Nastya Feschuk
Artist in Residency

Tuda Muda,
Sigrún Hlín Sigurðardóttir,
Unn Devik
Artists in Residency

Ivana Králíková
Future City Earth Systems
Artists in Residency

T-Yard Writers Residency
︎ www.t-yard.com

Karoline Hjorth & Riitta Ikonen
Eyes as Big as Plates

Entrée Cinema
Lasse Årikstad
Bergen Filmklubb

Pamflett & BABF
Bergen Art Book Library

Magnhild Øen Nordahl
Oppløyste abstraksjonar

Past Exhibitions
— 2021

- a group exhibition

Entrée Cinema
Calderón & Piñeros
Paul Tunge &
Egil Håskjold Larsen
Cinemateket i Bergen

Kåre Aleksander Grundvåg

Dan Brown Brønlund
Magnus Håland Sunde
Linda Morell

Lisa Seebach
I’d Rather Be Rehearsing the Future

Entrée Cinema:
Ina Porselius
Bergen Filmklubb

Ann Iren Buan
Falm varsomt, hold om oss

Sjur Eide Aas
At Hermit Street Metro Entrance

Entrée Cinema:
Esteban Rivera,
Marthe Thorshaug
Cinemateket Bergen

Karin Blomgren
Summen av alle krefter

Entrée Cinema: 
Jon Rafman,
Claudia Maté
at Bergen Filmklubb

Past Exhibitions
— 2020

Lin Wang
Exotic Dreams Tattoo Shop

Unfolding Questions, Codes,
and Contours

at Tromsø Kunstforening

Ida Wieth
wander / wonder

Lilian Nabulime, Bathsheba Okwenje,
Miriam Watsemba, Maria Brinch.
My Mother Is Forgetting My Face.
Curated by Martha Kazungu

Ian Giles
After BUTT
at Kunstnerforbundet

Oliver Ressler
Carbon and Captivity

Sara Wolfert
Head Channel & Lion 
- Waking of the Sleeping Lion Ear

Entrée Cinema
Kjersti Vetterstad
A Beehive in My Heart
at Cinemateket Bergen

Halldis Rønning

Past Exhibitions
— 2019

Kristin Austreid
Et underlig redskap

Bergen Assembly
Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead

Anne de Boer, Eloïse Bonneviot
the Mycological Twist

Kamilla Langeland
Stories of the Mind
(Transitioning Into Uncertainty)

Maria Brinch

— at Kunstnernes Hus

Bathsheba Okwenje
Freedom of Movement
at  Kunstnernes Hus

Lina Viste Grønli
Nye skulpturer

Toril Johannessen
SKOGSAKEN (The Forest Case)

Marysia Lewandowska
It’s About Time

(in Venice Biennial)

Films by
Mai Hofstad Gunnes

Isme Film
Collectively Conscious Remembrance

Trond Lossius
Jeremy Welsh
The Atmospherics
River deep, mountain high

— 2018

Marjolijn Dijkman
Toril Johannessen
Reclaiming Vision

Damir Avdagic

Eivind Egeland
Father of Evil

Marysia Lewandowska
Rehearsing the Museum

Anton Vidokle
Immortality for All: a film trilogy on
Russian Cosmism

Curated by
Ingrid Haug Erstad

Johanna Billing
Pulheim Jam Session,
I’m Gonna Live Anyhow Until I die,
I’m Lost Without Your Rhythm,
This is How We Walk on the Moon,
Magical World

Jenine Marsh
Kneading Wheel, 
Coins and Tokens

Jenine Marsh
Sofia Eliasson
Lasse Årikstad
Johanna Lettmayer
Lewis & Taggar
Jon Benjamin Tallerås
—  a group show in public space

Jon Rafman
Dream Journal

Goutam Ghosh &
Jason Havneraas

Ian Giles
After BUTT

Films by Yafei Qi
Wearing The Fog, 
I Wonder Why, 
Life Tells Lies

— 2017

Daniel Gustav Cramer
Five Days

Kamilla Langeland
Sjur Eide Aas
The Thinker, Flower Pot and Mush

Danilo Correale
Equivalent Unit
Reverie: On the Liberation from Work

Valentin Manz
Useful Junk

Jeannine Han
Dan Riley
Time Flies When Slipping

Pedro Gómez-Egaña

Ane Graff
Mattering Waves

Andrew Amorim
Lest We Perish

Tom S. Kosmo
Unnatural Selection

Jenine Marsh
Lindsay Lawson

Dear Stranger

— 2016

Eline Mugaas
Elise Storsveen
How to Feel Like a Woman

DKUK (Daniel Kelly)
Presents: Jóhanna Ellen
Digital Retreat Dot Com

Cato Løland
Folded Lines, Battles and Events

Harald Beharie
Louis Schou-Hansen
(S)kjønn safari 2.0

Lynda Benglis
On Screen
Bergen Assembly

Linn Pedersen
Bjørn Mortensen
Terence Koh
NADA New York

Ida Nissen
Kamilla Langeland
Marthe Elise Stramrud
Christian Tunge
Eivind Egeland
Fading Forms

Anders Holen

Sinta Werner
Vanishing Lines

— 2015

Bjørn Mortensen
Pouches and Pockets
/ Compositories in Color

Linn Pedersen
Plain Air

Øystein Klakegg
Entrée # 55

Leander Djønne
Petroglyphs of the Indebted Man

Lewis & Taggart
Black Holes and other painted objects

Azar Alsharif
Bjørn Mortensen
Steinar Haga Kristensen
Lewis & Taggart
Vilde Salhus Røed
Heidi Bjørgan
NADA New York

Linda Sormin
Heidi Bjørgan

Steinar Haga Kristensen
The Fundamental Part of Any Act


Tora Endestad Bjørkheim
Bjørn-Henrik Lybeck

Mathijs van Geest
The passenger eclipsed
the object that I could have
seen otherwise

Marit Følstad
Sense of Doubt

Oliver Laric

Terence Koh
sticks, stones and bones 

Kristin Tårnesvik
Espen Sommer Eide
Korsmos ugressarkiv

— 2013

André Tehrani
Lost Allusions

Pedro Gómez-Egaña
Object to be Destroyed

Flag New York City

Christian von Borries
I’m M
Institute of Political Hallucinations
Bergen Assembly

Dillan Marsh
June Twenty-First

Vilde Salhus Røed
For the Sake of Colour

Azar Alsharif
The distant things seem close (…)
the close remote (…) the air is loaded

Magnhild Øen Nordahl
Omar Johnsen

Lars Korff Lofthus
New Work

— 2012

Anngjerd Rustan
The Dust Will Roll Together

Cato Løland
Oliver Pietsch
Love is Old, Love is New

Stian Ådlandsvik
Abstract Simplicity of Need

Sinta Werner
Something that stands for
Something / Double
Described Tautologies

Kjersti Vetterstad

Anna Lundh
Grey Zone

Arne Rygg
Borghild Rudjord Unneland
Lisa Him-Jensen
Cato Løland
Lewis & Taggart
Klara Sofie Ludvigsen
Magnhild Øen Nordahl
Mathijs van Geest
Andrea Spreafico
Flag Bergen

— 2011

Karen Skog & Mia Øquist
Skog & Øquist systematiserer

Danilo Correale
We Are Making History

Sveinung Rudjord Unneland

Ethan Hayes-Chute
Make/Shifted Cabin

Ebba Bohlin
Per-Oskar Leu
Kaia Hugin
Pica Pica

Gabriel Kvendseth
First We Take Mannahatta

Roger von Reybekiel
Do Everything Fantastic

— 2010

Michael Johansson

Tone Wolff Kalstad
This Color Is Everywhere

Knud Young Lunde
Road Show Event Plan

Alison Carey
Ivan Twohig
Benjamin Gaulon
On The In-Between

Mercedes Mühleisen
Øyvind Aspen
Birk Bjørlo
Damir Avdagic
Annette Stav Johanssen
If Everything Else Fails...

Ciara Scanlan
Matthew Nevin
An Instructional

Patrick Wagner
Nina Nowak
Samuel Seger Patricia Wagner
South of No North

Agnes Nedregaard Midskills
Patrick Coyle
Boogey Boys Santiago Mostyn
Bergen Biennale 2010 by Ytter

Lars Korff Lofthus
West Norwegian Pavilion

Serina Erfjord

Mattias Arvastsson
Presence No.5

Malin Lennström-Örtwall
It`s like Nothing Ever Happened

— 2009

Tor Navjord

Ragnhild Johansen
Erased Knot Painting

Entrée Radio

Lewis and Taggart
Ledsagende lydspor

In Conversation:
Gómez-Egaña and
Mathijs van Geest

In Conversation:
Andrew Amorim and
Mitch Speed

In Conversation:
Ane Graff and Alex Klein

In Conversation:
Martin Clark and Daniel Kelly

Ludo Sounds with
Tori Wrånes

In Conversation:
Stine Janvin Motland,
Kusum Normoyle,
Mette Rasmussen,
Cara Stewart

Randi Grov Berger
Other projects

Feb 7th- Feb 17th, 2019

Trond Lossius
Jeremy Welsh
The Atmospherics
River deep, mountain high

Thursday- Sunday 
open: 5 - 8.30pm (loop)

The Atmospherics is one of the ongoing collaborative projects of Trond Lossius and Jeremy Welsh. Through field recordings they capture unique qualities from different natural landscapes and urban areas. The recorded audio and video material is then filtered, edited, modified and mixed to highlight some characters or to mute others. The intention is not to document the sites, but rather to build a database of audiovisual material that is combined in different ways in their installations, where each assembly becomes a "temporary place", constructed of impulses from different geographical areas.

Since 2014, the project has moved from Bergen, Trondheim, Arendal, Førde, Utne and Campania, Italy, where it has been presented in various installations with multi-screen video and multi-channel audio. The new video adapted to the cinema format, which premieres at Entrée, summarizes this entire project, and combines material from all the different phases and parts of the country.

Lossius and Welsh have collaborated in various situations and combinations since 2004. Together with the painter Jon Arne Mogstad, in the group LMW, they produced a series of experimental installations that combined sound, digital images and painting. Lossius and Welsh were also leading the artistic research project "Re: place" at the Bergen Academy of Art and Design in 2012-2013.

Jeremy Welsh (b. 1954, Gateshead, UK) lives between Trondheim and Bergen. He works within video, installation, photography, audio and performance. He is a professor of visual arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim, NTNU. He was a former professor, master coordinator and dean at the Bergen Academy of Art and Design (2001-2013), and founder and curator at The Film & Video Umbrella, London (1988-1990). His education is from Nottingham Trent University (1977) Goldsmith’s College, University of London (1982). His works have been included in several national and international collections, like the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Trondheim Art Museum, Arts Council Norway, ZKM Media Center (Karlsruhe) and MacQuarie University Art Collection in Sydney.

Trond Lossius (b. 1966, Bergen) lives between Oslo and Sotra. His projects investigate sound, place and space, using sound spatialisation and multichannel audio as an invisible and temporal sculptural medium in works engaging with the site. He has collaborated on a large number of cross-disciplinary projects, amongst others with the contemporary performance group Verdensteatret. He graduated with a Master degree in Geophysics from the University of Bergen and went on to study music and composition at The Grieg Academy. From 2003-2007 he was a research fellow at Bergen National Academy of the Arts. Lossius is currently Head of Research at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. He is one of the developers of the software framework Jamoma, and he has ported Ambisonic Toolkit to a set of plugins for the Reaper DAW.

Trond Lossius and Jeremy Welsh have received support for The Atmospherics from Arts Council Norway, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Municipality of Bergen, Municipality of Trondheim, BEK (Bergen Center for Electronic Art), Sogn and Fjordane Art Museum and NTNU / Art Academy in Trondheim.

Trond Lossius & Jeremy Welsh
The Atmospherics
—River deep, mountain high
80 min 4K film (loop)
Asynchronous four-channel audio


The Atmospherics
er ett av de pågående samarbeidsprosjektene til Trond Lossius og Jeremy Welsh. Gjennom feltopptak fanger de opp unike kvaliteter fra ulike naturlandskap og byrom. Materialet bestående av lyd og bilde som er spilt inn og som deretter blir filtrert, redigert, modifisert og mikset for å fremheve enkelte karakterer eller for å dempe andre. Intensjonen er ikke å dokumentere stedene, men heller å bygge opp en database med audiovisuelt materiale som kombineres på forskjellige måter i installasjonene på en slik måte at hver montasje blir et slag ’midlertidig sted’, konstruert av impulser fra ulike geografiske områder.

Siden 2014 har prosjektet forflyttet seg fra Bergen, Trondheim, Arendal, Førde, Utne og Campania, Italia, der det har vært presentert i ulike installasjoner med flerskjermsvideo og flerkanalslyd. Den nye filmen tilpasset kinoformatet, som har premiere ved Entrée, summerer opp hele dette prosjektet, og kombinerer materiale fra alle ulike faser og landsdeler.

Lossius og Welsh har samarbeidet i ulike situasjoner og prosjekter siden 2003. Sammen med maleren Jon Arne Mogstad, i gruppen LMW, produserte de en serie eksperimentelle installasjoner som kombinerte lyd, digitalbilder og maleri. Lossius og Welsh ledet også det kunstneriske forskningsprosjektet ’Re:place’ på Kunst- og designhøgskolen i Bergen i 2012-2013.

Jeremy Welsh (f. 1954, Gateshead, UK) bor mellom Trondheim og Bergen. Han jobber innenfor video, installasjon, foto, lyd og performance. Han er professor i Billedkunst ved Kunstakademiet i Trondheim, NTNU. Han var tidligere professor, masterkoordinator og dekan ved Kunst- og designhøgskolen i Bergen (2001-2013), og blant annet grunnlegger og kurator ved The Film & Video Umbrella, London (1988-1990). Hans utdannelse er fra Nottingham Trent University (1977) Goldsmith’s College, University of London (1982). Hans arbeider er innkjøpt av flere nasjonale og internasjonale samlinger, deriblant Nasjonalmuseet, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Norsk Kulturråd, ZKM Media senter (Karlsruhe) og MacQuarie University Art Collection i Sydney.

Trond Lossius (f. 1966, Bergen) bor mellom Oslo og Sotra. Hans prosjekter undersøker lyd, sted og rom, ved hjelp av lydspatialisering og flerkanalslyd som et usynlig og temporært skulpturelt medium. Han har inngått i flere samarbeidsprosjekter, og blant annet bidratt til flere produksjoner med Verdensteatret. Han har hovedfag i geofysikk fra Universitetet i Bergen og fortsatte med å studere musikk og komposisjon på Griegakademiet. Fra 2003-2007 var han kunststipendiat ved Kunst- og designhøgskolen i Bergen. Lossius er nå forskningsleder ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Han har også publisert forskningsartikler om musikkteknologiske løsninger for lydprosessering og spatialisering, er en av utviklerne av programvarebiblioteket Jamoma, og han har portet Ambisonic Toolkit til et sett med plugins for Reaper DAW.

Trond Lossius og Jeremy Welsh har mottatt støtte til The Atmospherics fra Norsk Kulturråd, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Bergen Kommune, Trondheim Kommune, BEK (Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst), Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, NTNU / Kunstakademiet i Trondheim.
