Marco Bruzzone
GLUB CLUB (An Underwater Turmoil)

Marco Bruzzone, GLUB CLUB (An Underwater Turmoil), Entrée, 2022. All photos by Mario de la Ossa.

Throughout the summer an underwater protest is silently taking place in the water of the sea around Bergen. It is meant to be experienced privately, in an immersive moment of resistance in the commodity exchange, away from everyday social pollution. It offers instead a place for meditation and healing where one can confront the self and the abyss or the abyss in the self. In this place overwhelmed by nature, humans are dethroned and brought to a subordinate role. The self-centred anthropocentrism of ordinary dialectics is here rather subverted, and gives space for a weightless contemplation.
Locations for the work whilst submerged in the sea have been outside Ubåt
Press in Laksevåg, Bergen Architect School and Norway Fisheries Museum in
Sandviken. Thanks also to Aldea for being our test location this spring.
At view in the exhibition at Entrée are the extracted works, now changed
by tides, algae, and other living organisms. In addition, Bruzzone presents his
artist’s edition Ciao Mondo beach towel. The towels are an exclusive
joint production between Entrée and Maiden Name.
Marco Bruzzone (b. 1974 in Genoa, Italy) lives and works in Berlin. His practice is rooted in the research of cultural histories. The research process often results in the generation of ideas, methods and applications that produce art. His work encompasses painting, sculpture, performance and installations. A formal lightness of touch, predilection for the ephemeral and the importance of humour are underlying principles of Marco Bruzzone’s work. His work is represented by London Gallery SUNDY.
Ubåt Press (Johan Berentsens vei 65, Bergen)
Bergen Architect School (Sjøgaten 59, Bergen)
Norway Fisheries Museum (Sjøgaten 23)
Artist talk:
August 2nd, 17.00, Bergen Architect School
Sharkathon film screening:
August 5th, from 18.00-06.00, Bergen Architect School
Opening Saturday August 6th, 6pm, Entrée
On until August 28th, open each Thu-Sun 12-4pm
Artist Edition
As part of Glub Club (An Underwater Turmoil) Bruzzone presents his artist edition Ciao Mondo beach towel. The towels are an exclusive joint production between Entrée and Maiden Name.
Glub Club explores the artist's relationship with the sea. For him, it offers a sonically-dulled void hospitable to contemplation, a scene in which the primacy of the human is displaced, and yet also an environment that has been ravaged by human exploitation. For Glub Club, Bruzzone submerged a series of paintings, allowing natural processes to take over the creative process. Evoking political slogans, the paintings show, with humour and care, the incompatible scales of the human and the natural.
Ciao Mondo extends this interest in the slogan, offering winking acknowledgments of the realities of climate change as well as the promise of nature to release us from the constraints of the human world.

Marco Bruzzone, GLUB CLUB (An Underwater Turmoil). Banners in window from top to bottom; Untitled (Glub-Club, London Oslo Banner, Bergen Arkitekthøgskole), Untitled (Glub-Club, He:( :)lp! Banner, Ubåt Press), Untitled (Glub-Club, Get Over Yourself Banner, Ubåt Press), Untitled (Glub-Club, Établissement d’en Face Banner, Ubåt Press), Untitled (Glub-Club, Help! Help! Banner, Ubåt Press), 2022, acrylic on canvas, each 195 x 48 cm.

Marco Bruzzone, Untitled (Glub-Club, Bag Sign:(, Ubåt Press), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 264 x 215 cm.
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Marco Bruzzone at Entrée
GLUB CLUB (An Underwater Turmoil)
Marco Bruzzone at Entrée (Bergen)

Marco Bruzzone, Untitled (Glub-Club, Dancing Algae, Bergen Arkitekthøgskole), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 264 x 215 cm.

Marco Bruzzone, detail from Untitled (Glub-Club, Bag Sign:(, Ubåt Press), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 264 x 215 cm.

Marco Bruzzone, detail from Untitled (Glub-Club, He:( :)lp! Banner, Ubåt Press), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 48 cm.

Marco Bruzzone, detail from Untitled (Glub-Club, Dancing Algae, Bergen Arkitekthøgskole), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 264 x 215 cm.

Marco Bruzzone, Untitled (IV Mussles, Bergen Arkitekthøgskole) and Untitled (III Mussles, Fiskerimuseum), 2022, acrylic on canvas, each 195 x 144.