I’d Rather Be Rehearsing the Future

Lisa Seebach, I’d Rather Be Rehearsing the Future, installation view. All photos by Bent René Synnevåg.
Lisa Seebach at Entrée
The Great Anti_Utopia
Mad Max i keramikk
Av Tuva Mossin
Lisa Seebach
is excited to kick start the autumn by presenting a new body of work by Lisa
Seebach. The solo exhibition entitled I’d
Rather Be Rehearsing the Future is an investigation into dystopian
fantasies, into a world beyond the tipping point.
Seebach’s sculptural objects may perhaps resemble artifacts in an absurd
archeology, as relicts of a future that has not yet taken place, disconcerting
and daunting in their captivating darkness. Even so, the ambiguity contained in
the sculptures contains a utopian core, like a silver shine from the abyss.
Lisa Seebach (b.1981, Cologne, Germany) is an artist with a focus on sculpture
and large installations. Her metal and ceramic works appear like particularly
fragile, enlarged drawings in space. Seebach studied Fine Art at the
Braunschweig University of Arts in Germany.
She has since received several scholarships
and awards, such as the Friedrich Vordemberge Grant of the city of Cologne, the Gustav-Weidanz Grant
for Sculpture and a scholarship at the International Studio &
Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York. Solo exhibitions include When the Stage Turns Dark Tomorrow at
Kunstverein Braunschweig, Villa Salve Hospes (DE); Phantom Spaces and Viscous Fictions at Kunsthalle
Lingen (DE); How stars are just
holes in the sky at Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale, DE); Soft Architecture at
Meliksetian | Briggs Gallery (LA, US); Nothing
ever touches at TURN Gallery (NY, US) and Sometimes night comes too quickly at artothek (Cologne, DE). Currently she is working on her upcoming exhibition
for Rudolf-Scharpf-Galerie of Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen (DE).
The exhibition will be accompanied by the text The Great Anti_Utopia by Stefan Ewald in
collaboration with Dennis Buchholtz.
/ Norsk /
starter høstprogrammet med å presenterer en serie nye arbeid
av Lisa Seebach. I separatutstillingen titulert I'd Rather Be Rehearsing the Future blir vi
invitert med ned i kunstnerens dystopiske fantasier, i en verden forbi
Seebachs skulpturelle objekter vil kanskje minne om artefakter fra en absurd
arkeologi, som relikvier i en fremtid som ennå ikke har funnet sted, de er både
forvirrende og skremmende i sitt fengslende mørke. Likevel inneholder
tvetydigheten i verkene en utopisk kjerne, som et sølvskinn fra
Lisa Seebach (f. 1981, Köln, Tyskland) er en kunstner med fokus på skulptur og
romlig installasjon. Hennes verk i keramikk og metall fremstår som spesielt
skjøre, og ofte minimalistiske, som forstørrede tegninger i rommet. Seebach
studerte kunst ved Braunschweig University of Arts i Tyskland.
har siden mottatt flere stipend og utmerkelser, som til eksempel Friedrich
Vordemberge-stipendet fra Köln, Gustav-Weidanz-stipendet for Skulptur og
et stipend ved International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) i New York.
Separatutstillinger inkluderer When
the Stage Turns Dark Tomorrow ved Kunstverein Braunschweig,
Villa Salve Hospes (DE); Phantom
Spaces and Viscous Fictions ved Kunsthalle Lingen (DE); How stars are just holes in the sky ved
Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale, DE); Soft
Architecture ved Meliksetian | Briggs Gallery (LA, USA); Nothing ever touches ved TURN
Gallery (NY, USA) og Sometimes
night comes too quickly ved artothek (Köln, DE). For
øyeblikket jobber hun med en kommende utstilling for Rudolf-Scharpf-Galerie ved
Wilhelm-Hack-Museum i Ludwigshafen (DE).
Utstillingen blir ledsaget av teksten The
Great Anti_Utopia av Stefan Ewald i samarbeid med Dennis Buchholtz.

(glazed ceramics, steel, paint)

(glazed ceramics, steel, paint, motor oil, lamp oil, wick)

( glazed ceramics, steel, paint)